Hye Days Tuesday, July 7th

Our regular scheduled Hye Days will take place on Tuesday July 7th
This month’s Hye Days is sponsored by :
Mr. and Mrs. Ed and Elo Aslanian

(Celebrating their 71 Wedding Anniversary)
We will have Tea,coffee and Snacks available as you arrive by 10 am
After socializing with your friends, Dr. Edward Manougian will have an very interesting presentation on “Pain Management”
and as usual it will mostly be presented in English and Armenian.
By now you will have worked up an appetite for a scrumptious lunch,(more detail to follow).
Birthday celebration and photo sessions will follow lunch cleanup.
OH boy, I almost forgot the most important fun part of our Hye days, yes “ITS BINGO TIME “. We will have our own Norcal president Vigen Khachooni to call up the lucky numbers. What a nice finish to a wonderful day together.